Thursday, March 17, 2011


Today, well technically yesterday was my last day in Joplin, Mo.  Today, or tomorrow, whatever will be my last day with Halie, Chloe and my dad. 

I'm dreading leaving. So much so that I haven't even packed yet, Did I mention I leave in like 10hrs? 
Where am I going you may ask. Well to Florida. Which to tell you the truth I am so excited about. I get to see my family, I get to see RUTHIE!! I'm driving down with my step-sister and her husband on Saturday. I can't wait to see everyone, to be able to go the beach for 3 whole weeks. 

But it's killing me to even think of being apart from Halie, and especially Chloe. I have so much love in my heart for that little girl. I can't even tell you. Good thing you can never have to much love. Because I would burst. 

Being with Halie has been so much fun. I've learned so much about her and being able to finally spend time with her has been such a blessing. Something that we missed when we were growing up. She is so beautiful and my hero. She is so strong and brave and such a wonderful mother and sister. 

Can you see why I'm dreading leaving? Not to mention all the wonderful people I got to work with and to know at Ruby Tuesday. Not being able to see them indefinitely?

I love change don't get me wrong. It's such a part of my life. I just wish for once I could live in the same place longer than 3 months. I wish I could really grow the friendships I've made. 

Actually I take that back, I'm indifferent to change, I neither Like it or hate it. Too much of something is bad right? 

My wish will come true this upcoming school year. Thankfully. I'll be staying up in Idaho for 6 months. And hopefully 3 of those months will be with my sissy Savannah, though she hasn't made up her mind yet. 

More exciting news! I'm registering for classes on monday. And I already have my whole schedule planned out. Not to mention I'm starting towards my dream to become a vet!!! 

I have been so blessed to have been her in Missouri with my family, with a job and just being happy. I am so blessed to be in this vet tech program. I am so blessed to being going to my school. I am so blessed that i'm alive that my family is alive. I am so blessed to have this gospel.

Anyways wish me luck of saying my see ya's I'm never good at it. Even though I've been through hundreds, thousands even. Well until florida, my dear friends that are reading. Love you all!

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