I have a serious problem. Okay serious might not be the right word, but it's pretty important to me. You know-- it's that kind of problem. So you know how I've been home all day by myself with nothing to do but clean and re- clean and organize and re-organize etc. And with school still a month away I just don't know what I'm going to do.
I have a job when school starts so whats the point of trying to get one now you know? Jeff has the car all day so I can't go anywhere... but you see there is only so many places you can go. I.E Walmart, Broliums. And if you think I'm going to make a 5th appearance there this week you're crazy.
I even try to sleep in so that way it will take some of the time away. Talk about a waste. I'm going crazy people.
Which leads to the not so serious, serious problem. I have been waiting two years to bring my little princess of a dog, Ruthie to Rexburg. Why would I subject her to that fate? Well maybe because I'm a little selfish and need her. And she's my best girl okay? Okay I'm crazy.
Anyways In that two years I have gotten married.... Which means in Rexburg, we can finally have a pet!
So were making all these arrangements and saving and when it's the day to call to set the appointment to ship her up here. We find out that it's going to be twice what were expecting to pay.
Which would be a big deal if the apartment complex we lived in didn't try to suck the money out of you. I mean it litterally does. $700 for deposit plus $25 extra a month on rent. I mean there is only so much a college student can pay.
So here we are, and by we I mean me, because Jeff has something to do and is distracted. Meaning he doesn't think about a cute little pup all day. Which is lucky btw.
So what do I do. Do I continue to save up the money to get my girl up here, when she has a loving family and a yard in Florida and wait possibly another 6 months?

Do we adopt a sweet homeless pup.
Really it shouldn't be that big of a decision right? But it is. I don't know what to do.
Oh jeeze. I mean at least this is my problem and nothing more serious. There are tons of other people that are in need of something. So I should be grateful for this not so serious, serious problem.
I say you get a dog! Sounds like a dream come true to me. If our renters would let us do such things, I would in a second! Also, why don't we live in the same place?! This homewifery is pretty much the worst thing that ever existed.